- To provide an alternate learning environment for students for whom the mainstream school setting has not been effective
- To assist youth in achieving positive personal growth
- To enable youth at risk of dropping out to remain connected with a learning/educational environment
- To facilitate the re-entry into mainstream schooling for those young people who desire it
- To provide youth with skills related to career exploration, communication, community awareness, and self awareness to promote increased self-esteem and employability
- To provide an alternative educational program to meet the needs of students
- To connect ‘at risk’ students to a learning environment
- To provide additional support services to minimize the barriers to education
- All youth need an education
- All youth can learn and experience success
- All youth have the right to an education however each youth must accept the ultimate responsibility for utilizing their educational opportunities
- Education is a key to becoming a productive and responsible citizen
- Actively learning youth benefits the community as a whole
- Youth who aspire to continue and/or complete their high school education must be provided with support to do so